Sunday, September 7, 2014

I have discovered two things that I now believe without a doubt. The first is that through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all men have the opportunity to find Him as their savior, and become children of God, adopted into son-ship with Jesus, and be made part of the Vine that brings life. Jesus provided everything necessary for the salvation of man, but He didn’t save a single one. There is that rather pesky thing called ‘free will’ that keeps getting in the way of man’s salvation. Only those who hear the Word and through the grace of God CHOOSE to accept Jesus’ atoning grace can be saved. Once a person is saved, all of the promises of God are filled in him. He is Justified, Adopted, Cleansed of all sin, and become a child of God. The second thing I believe without a doubt is that there is more to the Christian life than just being saved. The bible says that without Holiness, no man shall see God. So how do we get this holiness that allows us to get to heaven when we so often are unholy? Through Jesus death and resurrection, when we accept Him as Savior, we are IMPUTED to be Holy. This means that we have Holiness, and the Holy Spirit is our comforter, our advocate, or friend closer than a brother. But this holiness seems to only be skin deep. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are considered to be holy. We are cleansed, we are purified, and we are truly made whole. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, they were IMBUED with holiness. God placed part of His holiness within them, and they were truly holy. Every Old Testament promise, every work of Jesus had the purpose of making it possible for people to return to the type of Holiness that Adam and Eve had.

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